Eating a diverse range of plant foods

The role of the microbiome in health and disease helps to provide a scientific understanding of key concepts in Ayurveda.

The human gut microbiome is vital for nutrition, metabolism, immune system, neurological, and endocrine function of the human - varies with diet/lifestyle.

The microbiome and Agni/digestion are closely linked. If the microbiome is not working properly then Agni will not be working properly. It may not be sufficient to make your Agni work well but it is essential to make your microbiome work well.

Eating a diversity of plant foods (fiber), and vegetarian foods is what gives you the best possibility of a healthy microbiome. Then each individual can incorporate the appropriate animal protein best suited to them along with all of these plant foods.

making your microbiome rich

ALL About Diversity.


A range of plant foods in your diet

30 per week


VEGETAbles & fruit s | Legumes | Grains | nuts and seeds | Spices and fresh herbs

Ayurveda is not about suggesting becoming vegetarian or only eating vegetarian foods, there are obvious health benefits to that, however, every individual is different and needs different things especially when it comes to diet and food. It’s all about balance and incorporating protein in whichever form you choose into your daily diet and using food as medicine.


Microbiome and Agni


Besan Pancake